Would you be interested in being part of a Church Admin Team?

I have often wondered about the possibility of a building up a small admin team to share some of the ‘Office’ tasks – but not necessarily having an Office. Now seems like a good time to develop this…
- Do you use a computer or tablet? (if you are reading this you do!)
- Can you browse the web? (Well done, 2 out of 2!)
- Do you have an hour or more a week that you could give to the Church?
- Are you in sympathy with the Church’s work?
- Would you like to use and develop skills for the Church’s benefit and for your benefit?
- Would you be interested in giving it a go for 3 months?
What sort of things?
- Checking Church of Scotland website and others for news to share locally.
- Typing up words of hymns, setting up lyrics and graphics for display at Sunday Worship
- Creating material for online videos and graphics
- Proof-reading/ checking things before circulation
- Facebook updates/ Website updates
- Newsletters & Service sheets
- Designing images for Facebook/ Web
- Phone calls
- Fundraising ideas
- Thinking about what’s possible!
- Lots more that we wont know about until we start working together and learn what each other can do!
Interested in any of those possibilities? Great… drop me an email (click the link) or give me a call. Initially this would be on a voluntary basis – but who knows how it might develop – we might be able to secure some funding to create a paid part time post…
Many Thanks
01967 402234